Window Installation Height
In homes where levels are below 25 meters above the ground, the distance from the bottom edge of the opening window to the floor should be at least 0.85 Meters. In buildings where storeys are more than 25 Meters above the ground level the aforementioned distance should be not less than 1.1 meter. It needs to be noted that the higher the window is fitted, the more light enters the room, hence Fakro roof windows are equipped with a bottom handle opening system to allow opening of the windows to optimum height. The bottom end of the Fakro roof window should preferably be situated at 1.1 – 1.4 meters above the floor level. The recommended distance is 1.2meters (bearing in mind that the average room height is 2.5 meters, which provides a significant amount of light into the room and also provides unrestricted views.
Installation of the window at this height will allow the fixing of a standard radiator below the wondow and also allows proper lining construction. Due to this proper air circulation along the window glazing reduces the risk of condensation appearing on the window.
The window placement
When electing how and where to locate your roof window, you can consider the option to use a number of smaller windows located in different positions of the roof, rather than one lager window, as it will provide far greater light into the room.
The Right Windows
The selection of roof windows depends on the following:
Installation Brackets
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